sell credit card processing

How To Sell Credit Card Processing From Home And Earn Money

Starting a business to sell credit card processing systems and equipment to other companies can be both rewarding and profitable. If you have strong communication, sales, and customer service abilities, this type of self-employed work may be a good fit. In this article, We’ll outline the concrete steps and proven strategies you’ll need to follow to get your credit card processing sales business up and running.

I’ll explain how to sign up with an independent sales organization that will provide you with the actual credit card processing services to resell. I’ll offer tips for locating and connecting with potential business customers in an authentic and effective manner. You’ll learn the different processing options to present that will convince businesses to choose your services. Finally, I’ll cover what it takes to close sales, onboard new customers, and provide outstanding customer service to retain their business and gain referrals.

Important Tips To Sell Credit Card Processing From Home

Sell Credit Card Processing Services

By following these established best practices, you’ll be well on your way to generating income by selling credit card processing from the comfort of your own home.

Signing Up As An Agent With An ISO/MSP

The first step in starting your credit card processing sales business is to partner with an independent sales organization, also called an ISO or merchant services provider (MSP). These companies contract with various credit card and banking networks to provide processing services which they then offer to businesses through independent agents like yourself.

There are several advantages to working with an ISO/MSP. They handle all the technical aspects of processing while you focus on sales. They also offer brand recognition, competitive rates, and specialized equipment – things most individuals cannot access on their own.

When choosing an ISO/MSP, make sure they have a good reputation, low transaction fees, attractive commissions, and a dedicated support team for agents. The enrolment process typically involves filling out an application, providing personal and business information, and undergoing a background check. As an agent, you’ll be given marketing materials, training, and access to an online portal to manage your customers’ accounts.

Once enrolled, you can begin promoting the ISO/MSP’s credit card processing services as your own to attract and sign up business customers.

Finding And Contacting Businesses

Reaching out to potential business customers is key to getting sales and earning an income by selling credit card processing. The first place to start is by making a list of small and medium-sized businesses in your local area that could potentially use your services.

Some of the most effective ways to find potential customers are:

  • Cold calling – Simply calling businesses and introducing your services. Start with places you frequent like restaurants, stores, and service providers.
  • Online directories – Sites like Yellow Pages, Manta, and Yelp can provide business names, phone numbers, and even email addresses.
  • Targeted ads – Using Facebook ads, Google Ads, or direct mail you can reach businesses in specific industries or locations.
  • Networking – Speak with your existing contacts and ask for referrals to business owners they know.

When initially contacting a business, keep it simple and professional. Introduce yourself, mention any connections you have in common, and briefly explain that you work with a credit card processing company and help businesses save money and make more sales.

Ask if they’re open to learning more about the services you offer. Have a conversation guide or script prepared that covers important questions like how much they currently pay in processing fees, how many credit cards they accept daily, and any pain points in their current system.

Your goal in this first interaction is to qualify the business as a potential customer, establish trust and credibility, and set up a follow-up call or in-person meeting to present your full-service offering. 

Presenting And Explaining Credit Card Processing Services

When you meet with a qualified prospect, your goal is to clearly present and explain the processing services and equipment you offer in a way that convinces them to choose your company.

Some of the key things to cover include:

  • Credit card and debit card processing – Explain the benefits of accepting these popular payment methods to increase sales and customer convenience.
  • Equipment options – Discuss terminals, chip readers, mobile card readers, and other hardware to make processing easy and secure. Recommend based on their business needs.
  • Account fees – Outline the various monthly and transaction fees they can expect to pay for the services. Show how it compares favorably to what they pay now.
  • Merchant cash advance – Some businesses may be interested in getting cash upfront in exchange for a percentage of future credit card sales. Explain this option if it makes sense.
  • Added services – Highlight any value-added services your ISO/MSP offers that could improve sales and operations for the business like recurring billing, fraud protection, and payment security.

It’s important to listen closely, ask the right questions and make recommendations tailored specifically to the prospect. Refer to notes from your initial call to show you understand their priorities.

Demonstrate equipment whenever possible and provide estimates for their expected monthly costs based on the specific services and features you recommend.

Anticipate questions or objections they may have around fees, contracts, and equipment features. Have explanations and reassurance ready that show you’re focused on helping them, not just making a sale.

The more value and benefits you can clearly communicate for the business, the more compelling your offering will be. Leave them with any printed or online information they request so they can review the options further before deciding.

Closing The Sale And Onboarding The Customer

Once you have thoroughly presented your credit card processing services and convinced the prospect of the benefits, it’s time to close the sale and onboard the new customer.

There are a few important factors that contribute to securing a deal:

  • Trust – The prospect must trust that you and your ISO/MSP will deliver on your promises and provide quality service.
  • Likeability – Likable salespeople close more sales. Your enthusiasm, professionalism, and compassion will show the prospect you truly want to help their business succeed.
  • Objection handling – You’ve already anticipated and effectively addressed any concerns or objections they may have during your presentation.
  • Follow up – Let the prospect know you will follow up with them on their timeline to reconfirm benefits and address any remaining questions. This shows you value becoming their provider.

Once the prospect decides to go with your services, the most critical step is helping them fill out and sign the required contract and application with your ISO/MSP.

The onboarding process then begins which may involve:

  • Ordering and delivering any needed equipment like credit card terminals and accessories.
  • Activating their new processing accounts and setup within 1-2 business days.
  • Training them on basic processing procedures, receipt options, and equipment operation.
  • Integrating the processing system with their Point of Sale (POS) or accounting software if applicable.

You’ll likely need to be available by phone in the first few days and weeks in case any issues arise. Resolving problems quickly and professionally shows the customer you care about their business.

Ongoing Customer Service And Upselling

While signing up new customers is important, retaining your existing customers through outstanding service and support is even more critical to your success. Make it a priority to regularly check in with each business client to ensure everything is running smoothly with their processing system.

Be proactive and ask if they have any questions, problems, or feedback. Quickly work to resolve any issues they may be having. Also, look for opportunities to improve their system or save them more money. Your thorough knowledge of the available services and equipment should allow you to provide valuable recommendations over time.

In addition to great customer service, upselling can be a major source of additional income. As your client’s businesses grow and need change, recommend upgrades to their processing plans, added value services, or newer technology.

For example, you might suggest:

  • Adding mobile card readers to accept payments on the go
  • Switching to a lower-cost interchange plan with a higher volume
  • Signing up for accounts receivable services to speed up cash flow
  • Purchasing new terminals with chip readers or contactless payment options

Always base your upsell suggestions on what will most benefit the client and grow their business. Stay authentic, transparent and never force upgrades they don’t truly need.

Happy customers who find real value in your recommendations will in turn provide the best referrals for growing your client base. Offering outstanding customer care and continually helping clients find new ways to save and profit through processing is the core of a successful long-term business.


 Running your own business from home takes dedication and a strong work ethic. But if you have solid communication, sales, and customer service skills, then selling credit card processing services through an ISO/MSP could be an excellent entrepreneurial opportunity for you.

The keys to initial success include partnering with a reputable ISO/MSP, finding creative ways to locate potential business customers, providing a convincing demonstration of the value of your services, and properly onboarding and supporting new clients.

By delivering real value through competitive rates, convenient equipment options, and responsive service, you can generate a profitable income while working from home. With hard work, perseverance, and a commitment to helping businesses grow through processing, the potential rewards are unlimited. If this matches your skills, temperament, and work style, I encourage you to pursue it!


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